Beyond the Building


One of our core values is to connect to our community through giving, praying and serving.  Our hope is to share the love of Jesus beyond the building of the church by helping to provide basic necessities to those who are hungry, homeless, and in need and by partnering with organizations that shed light into dark places of addiction and sexual exploitation.

Take a look at the ministries that we support below and consider the way the Lord may be leading you to get involved.



Big Walnut Friends Who Share

The mission of Big Walnut Friends Who Share (BWFWS) is to work to improve the living conditions of families and individuals in need/crisis who reside in the Big Walnut School District by securing donated items (including clothing, food, household furnishings, cash contributions, etc.) and then distributing them free of charge to these persons. VCDC partners with BWFWS by inviting our church family to donate school supplies before each school year, and food/items needed around the holidays.



Bountiful Backpacks

Bountiful Backpacks is a ministry within the Big Walnut School District which works with churches to provide food for local families in need. VCDC helps to support families from the Big Walnut area by providing weekend meals and snack items. Signups are available towards the end of each summer for the opportunity to commit to a monthly food item donation throughout the school year.


Compassion International

Compassion International is a global Christian organization that works with the local church to care for children living in extreme poverty. Compassion provides the opportunity to sponsor a child, which allows you to get to know them and see the difference your gift makes in their life. VCDC partners with Compassion by inviting our church family to get involved by sponsoring children. Visit their website to see how you can give and what their immediate needs may be.



Convoy of Hope

As a humanitarian, faith-based organization, Convoy of Hope’s mission is to serve people who are impoverished, hungry, and hurting. In partnership with local churches, organizations, and government agencies, Convoy offers help and hope through feeding initiatives, community outreach, and disaster relief. VCDC partners with Convoy of Hope by informing our church family of ongoing needs and the opportunity to help out financially. Visit their website to see how you can give and what their immediate needs may be.



Community Refugee & Immigration Services

Community Refugee & Immigration Services (CRIS) is an independent non-profit organization that serves the documented refugee and immigrant populations in Central Ohio. They offer many services to help these populations reach safety, stability, self-sufficiency and successful integration into their new community. Once a year, VCDC holds a collection for household items necessary for daily living to help families start their new lives well. There are several opportunities to serve within this organization on an individual basis as well.



Family Promise

The mission of Family Promise is to help homeless and low-income families achieve sustainable independence through a community-based response. VCDC helps to prepare and deliver meals four weeks throughout the year for residents staying at the Delaware Family Promise House. Volunteers are needed to help prepare and deliver meals under the direction of our meal coordinators. There are also opportunities to help with various ongoing needs for Family Promise during non-meal weeks.



Freedom Collective

Freedom Collective’s mission is to glorify God by bringing hope to victims of sexual exploitation, empowering them to live free, and ultimately abolishing sex trafficking. Some of the ways they reach those being exploited in Central Ohio include street outreach, a drop-in center, a jail pen pal and mentorship program, a 24 hour emergency safe home and a 24 hour hotline. There are simple ways to donate: make meals for the drop-in center, donate clothes, make first aid kits or donate travel size toiletries.



Kairos Prison Ministry

The mission of Kairos is to share the transforming love and forgiveness of Jesus, impacting the hearts and lives of those who are incarcerated and their families. One of the ways they do this is through an organized weekend, taking place twice a year within the prisons, where Kairos volunteers spend time with residents to build connections and community. There are many ways to get involved, including baking cookies, or attending their Kairos weekends as a part of their sponsorship or worship team.



Lazarus Life Ministries

Lazarus Life Ministries is a Christian ministry dedicated to helping men who are trapped in the clutches of addiction. By providing an opportunity to enter into a free long-term residential recovery program in Knox County, Ohio, men can embark on a journey of faith, restoration, and personal growth. Lazarus’ mission is to equip men to reintegrate into society as empowered, responsible, and whole-hearted men of God.